Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food 11oz
Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food 11oz
- Made with cage-free, real muscle lamb meat.
- Poultry-free, grain & gluten free.
- Garlic, onions, carrageenan & gum additives free.
- Alternative to rehydrate freeze-dried raw dog food & kibble.
Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food can be served as a complete and balanced meal or alternatively, used to rehydrate freeze-dried raw food and kibble, or as a treat or topper for your dog’s meal.
Made with meat as a #1 ingredient and bone broth as #2 ingredient, Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food is a single-source protein-rich diet enriched with vitamins and minerals that is made for adult dogs.
Besides using only real whole muscle meat and organic fresh-cut vegetables, Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food is also only crafted with 6 core ingredients to deliver the simplest yet wholesome nutrition your dog deserves.
Simmered in small batches and gently kettle-cooked, Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food ensures that all the essential nutrients are being retained with all the amazing, natural flavours.
Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food is poultry-free and made with grass-fed lamb which are hormones and antibiotics free, and are sourced and crafted in North America.
100% human grade and made with limited ingredients, Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food does not contain any animal feed grade ingredients and is made in an FDA and USDA inspected facility.
Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food is pet safe as it is also free of garlic, onions, carrageenan and gum additives, while being grain and gluten free- making this recipe a highly suitable option for dogs with sensitivities.
Besides being pet-safe, Stella & Chewy's Grain-Free Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe Stew Dog Food is also environmentally friendly as its packaging is made BPA-free, and made from up to 70% paper for minimal environmental impact.
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